Life in motion
In its natural liquid form, water will almost always be in motion. From crashing waves, to falling rain, to roaring rivers, water is synonymous with movement. This movement is not just a consequence of its conditions but a requirement for it to maintain its vital properties.
Comprehend and copy nature
This phenomenon was noted in detail by Austrian forester, Viktor Schauberger. He spent time studying virgin sylvan streams, eventually noticing patterns in their movement. Water does not just flow in a straight line but spins in a spiraling vortex.
Spiraling vortices
Vortexes are a familiar form: swirling drains, whirlpools, water spouts. However, this spiral motion is also present anytime a body of water wishes to move. Especially is this apparent on a larger scale and is why rivers snake their way through a landscape.
Life-giving movement
Schauberger proposed that this motion allowed the water to hold more oxygen, carbon dioxide, and minerals that were needed to sustain living organisms. If disrupted, the water’s capacity to serve as a medium for these interactions could become impaired.
Movement as a requirement
This could be why stagnant bodies of water and those made by man seem to support life less effectively than those with a steady flow. The lack of natural movement takes away the vital capacity of the water and prevents life from flourishing to its fullest potential.
Intuitive confirmation
Bathing in a healthy natural body of moving water can provide a real life example. The skin will be soft, the mind will be clear, and breathing will be deep and slow. Although there may be many factors at play here, the state of the water is certainly one of the most important.
The water within
The same is true for water that is already within the body. Blood, lymph, CSF, synovial, and interstitial fluid are all made from water and must move in the same manner. Prolonged sedation then contributes to the devitalization of water within.
As above, so below
An interesting parallel is that the spiraling vortex of water is not unlike the movements of the spine and joints of the human body. There are also similarities to larger phenomena such as storm systems. This suggests obeyance to grander laws of reality.
Practical Application
How to improve the movement of water within you:
-Low-intensity exercise (walking)
-Tuning spinal engine mechanics
-Craniosacral breathing
-Thyroid metabolism
-Hot/cold therapies
Natural sources
Exposure to vitalized water can come from:
-Natural bodies of water
-Shower/water vessel vortexers
-Naturally inspired water features
This is an example shower vortexer that I designed.